Abstract submission opens
1 June
 Final submission deadline 7 Oct
 Manuscripts due for FastTrack
23 Nov
 Early Bird registration ends 18 Dec
 Early registration ends 31 Dec

 Short Courses begin
11 Jan
 Symposium begins
18 Jan
 All manuscripts due
8 Feb
 Conference Portal Closes
30 April

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ERVR Submission Process


  1. Review the list of conference topics.
  2. Don't forget to look at the special sessions for 2021.
  3. Review the submission options: journal-first, proceedings paper, presentation-only.
  4. Review the deadlines for submissions.
  5. Familiarize yourself with IS&T publication guidelinespublication policy, EI 2021 copyright form, and relevant templates.
  6. Review the EI author obligations.
  7. Prepare your draft paper or abstract for review.
  8. Submit using the appropriate link found under submission options.

Submission Note

Each year we allocate one or two presentations slots for exciting ‘late-breaking’ work submitted via the presentation-only option. Papers reporting on work-in-progress, last-minute results, or interesting, but incomplete findings, are welcome for these limited spots.

Accepted Submissions

Accepted works are assigned to an oral presentation slot (typically 20 minutes) or the Interactive Paper Session (90-minute poster session). After your submission is accepted, you may submit a final proceedings paper using the accepted manuscript process.

All EI authors are invited to participate in the Demonstration Session held on Tuesday evening. During the Demonstration Session, authors present "material" supplemental to their paper in an "exhibit hall" atmosphere. Materials presented may include hardware, software, physical items, integrated systems, etc.

Submission Options

There are four options for submission; please read the descriptions carefully.

  1. Presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. This is the most common option, and if accepted may be assigned either an oral or interactive (poster) presentation. Submit a 500-word structured abstract with optional figures using the symposium template  Submit Now
  2. Presentation-only. Oral or interactive presentation at the conference, but no publication of work in the conference proceedings. Submit a 500-word short abstract Submit Now
  3. JPI-first. Expedited review and publication in the Journal of Perceptual Imaging (JPI) before the conference, oral presentation at the conference, and inclusion in the conference proceedings. To meet the publication timeline, successful JPI-first submissions (journal paper, typically 10 or more pages) must require only minor revisions in response to peer-review. Those not meeting this stringent standard are automatically re-considered for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings (option 1 above). Author instructions for journal submissions Submit via JPI-first
  4. JIST-first. Expedited review and publication in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology [SCI/EI-indexed] before the conference, oral presentation at the conference, and inclusion in the conference proceedings. To meet the publication timeline, successful JIST-first submissions (journal paper, typically 10 or more pages) must require only minor revisions in response to peer-review. Those not meeting this stringent standard are automatically re-considered for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings (option 1 above). Author instructions for journal submissions Submit via JIST-first

Submission Deadlines

Early Decision: 15 July 2020
Authors who submit by the Early Decision Submission Deadline will be notified in early fall 2020 as to acceptance.

JPI-first: 15 July 2020
JIST-first: 30 July 2020

Priority Submission: 12 Aug 2020
Authors who submit by the Priority Submission Deadline will be notified as conference programs are finalized.

Templates, Guidelines, and Forms

Accepted Manuscript Submission Details


Final proceedings manuscripts (typically 4-6 pages) are submitted via a custom link given to each accepted author using the Word or LaTex manuscript template. (Journal-first manuscript deadlines and submission information are provided at time of acceptance.)


You may submit your paper so that it is available for reading during EI or post-symposium.

Manuscripts submitted in correct form by 23 November 2020 will be published online as of the opening day of EI 2021 via the Fast Track queue in the EI Digital Library.

Manuscripts submitted or corrected after that date will be published online after EI 2021 in the complete conference proceedings.

All manuscripts are due, in corrected form, by 8 February 2021.

Author Obligations

Authors submitting to EI agree to the following

  • Submission equals authorization for IS&T to circulate the submission to conference committee members (or journal reviewers) for peer-review and/or selection purposes.
  • If your work is accepted, you are obligated to register and present your work at EI as scheduled. Publication is conditional on your presentation. Register at the required registration rate by the early registration deadline. At least one full (non-student) registration is required with each accepted paper or presentation. Authors accepted under the Journal-first option must register for the conference AND pay the journal publication charges; reduced rates apply. See journal-first information for details.
  • Obtain funding for their registration fees, travel, and accommodations, independent of IS&T.
  • As applicable, secure a visa to travel to the US. Support letters are provided to accepted authors. We suggest that you choose the early decision submission option and complete the visa letter request form  as soon as you are notified of acceptance.
  • Ensure that all clearances (government and company) have been obtained to present and publish the work. If you are a DoD contractor in the USA, allow at least 60 days for clearance.
  • Sign and submit the IS&T Copyright Agreement. Please note that accommodations are made for authors who need to sign creative commons copyright forms such as CC BY and other options.
  • Submit a full-length manuscript (typically 4-6 pages) for publication in the IS&T Digital Library by the stated deadlines.
  • Attend EI and give a high-quality presentation as scheduled in the technical program. Prior to the conference, carefully construct and practice your presentation to faithfully represent your work to other attendees. Be prepared to answer questions. about the work.
Please note: Commercial papers, papers with no new research/ development content, and papers where supporting data or a technical description cannot be given for proprietary reasons will not be accepted for presentation.

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