IS&T IT Committees

The US TAG to ISO/TC 42 has delegated technical standards development responsibility to Imaging Technology (IT) Committees. Each IT Committee is focused on a defined subset of the ISO/TC 42 scope and is aligned with particular ISO/TC 42 working groups and joint working groups. The members of each IT Committee develop and vote on standards in the aligned ISO/TC 42 working groups and joint working groups.

» IT Membership Application 

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IT10 - Digital Photography

Chairperson: Ken Parulski, aKAP Innovation, LLC

IT10 develops standards related to digital photography, including mobile imaging. The scope of IT10 includes specifying image formats, device interfaces, and storage media. IT10 also works to develop standardized measurement methods for digital cameras, camera phones, photo scanners, and other digital capture devices and systems. IT10 members develop the USA opinion on ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 42/WG 18, and the related WG 23, JWG 20, and JWG 26.

By serving as US experts on ISO/TC42 working groups and joint working groups administered by ISO/TC 42, including ISO/TC 42/JWG 26, IT10 has supported the development of more than 20 ISO standards. These ISO standards cover the following topics:

  • Digital image formats and image transfer protocols
  • Digital camera ISO speed, resolution, OECF, and noise measurements
  • Print and film scanner resolution and dynamic range measurements
  • Extended color encodings
  • Psychophysical methods for estimating image quality
  • Terminology

IT10 members also serve as US experts in ISO/TC 42/WG 18 and the related working groups and joint working groups. IT10 meetings are normally held twice per year. ISO/TC 42/WG 18 also typically meets twice per year, between IT10 meetings. Qualified organizations, companies, or individuals willing to actively participate in standards development related to digital photography are encouraged to join IT10. 

To speed the development and publication of critical standards of interest in the US, IT10 has previously developed ANSI-approved standards using a fast-track process. These efforts included the creation of PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol), which was later adopted as ISO 15740, the international standard for communicating with digital cameras and other digital photography devices.

» PTP Standards

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