Call for Papers
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 20 May
 » Conference 24 June
Acceptance Notification
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 31 July
 » Conference 12 Aug
Final Manuscripts Due
 » Journal-first (JIST or JPI) 15 Aug
 » Conference 15 Sept

Registration Opens 23 Aug
Early Registration Ends 30 Sept
Conference Begins 28 Oct


Cooperating Societies

The Colour Group

Forum Farge

IOP Printing and Graphics Science Group IOP Institute of Physics

Norsk Forening for Bildebehandling og Maskinlæring

Spanish Optics Society, Color Committee

Stiftelsen Svenskt Färg Centrum, Swedish Colour Centre Foundation

Join us for CIC32

On this page

CIC comes to Montreal, Canada

The 32nd Color and Imaging Conference is returning to Canada—this time to Montreal! Join us Monday 28 October - Friday 1 November 2024 in this exciting, international city.


The CIC32 is organized around the following topics. Authors are invited to submit relevant, original work for double-blind peer-review. Accepted papers are published in the proceedings Open Access.

  • Color Perception and Cognition
  • Capture and Reproduction
  • Material and Color Appearance
  • Color in Illumination and Lighting
  • Color Theory
  • Image Quality
  • Multispectral Imaging
  • Specific Color Applications
  • Color in Computer Graphics
  • Color in Computer Vision
  • Motion Picture Imaging Pipeline

SEE FULL LIST OF TOPICS AND LEARN MORE about submitting a paper.


The following awards are presented by the Color and Imaging Conference.
  • Best Student Paper Award
  • Robert W.G. Hunt Best Paper Award
  • Cactus Award for Best Interactive Paper


General Chair
Javier Vázquez Corral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Technical Program Chairs
Carol Payne, Netflix (US)
Minjung Kim, Meta Reality Labs (US)

Short Course Chairs
Maliha Ashraf, University of Liverpool (UK)
Davit Gigilashvili, NTNU (Norway)

Workshop Chairs
Lili Zhang, Meta Reality Labs (US)
Yuteng Zhu, Apple (China)

Interactive Paper Chairs
Raquel Gil-Rodriguez, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany)

Past General Chair
Jérémie Gerhardt, DNEG (Canada)

CIC32 JIST-first Associate Editors
Marius Pedersen, NTNU (Norway): Lead AE
Simone Bianco, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
Pedro Latorre Carmona, Universidad de Burgos (Spain)

CIC32 JPI-first Associate Editor
James Ferwerda, Rochester Institute of Technology (US)

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