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Archiving 2023

Advanced Concepts in Color Measurement


Instructor: David R. Wyble, Gray Sky Imaging, Inc.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 2 hours
Course Date/Time: Monday, June 19 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Prerequisites: Introduction to Color Measurement for Archiving, or equivalent knowledge.

This course enables the attendee to:

  • Understand the functions of spectrophotometer components.
  • Define the standardization (calibration) process of spectrophotometers and understand the implications of standardization upon the measurement process.
  • Interpret measurement requirements and select appropriate measurement parameters and geometries for various applications.
  • Understand the point of “hand-off” from spectral measurements to colorimetric calculations.
  • Understand the methods for evaluating and correcting spectrophotometers.

Course Description:
This course starts at the end of the introductory course (SC05) and moves into more advanced topics. The internal details of color measurement instruments are covered: what are the various subsystems, how they relate, and why you should care. The focus is on good spectral reflectance measurements, leading to the calculation of accurate colorimetric data from that spectral data. You also need to know how to standardize (you may say “calibrate”) an instrument, and what that really means. Next we discuss the general types of instruments available: CIE geometries for reflectance and transmittance. Once you have data, we ask: how can you know if it is good? And how does it compare with the other instruments in your organization? Precision and accuracy are the terms we use for these comparisons and analyses. With this course, you should fully understand the procedures and concepts that lead to proper spectral measurements, which in turn lead to the best colorimetric coordinates.

Intended Audience:
Anyone responsible for making or interpreting color measurements, or managing those that do. A technical background is not required, although an understanding of basic scientific principles is very helpful. It is assumed that attendees have the background provided in the SC06 introductory course.

David R. Wyble is president of Avian Rochester, LLC, and president and co-founder of Gray Sky Imaging, Inc. Founded in 2022, Gray Sky Imaging provides consulting and product development to improve the imaging capabilities of the library, archiving, and museum fields. Prior to founding Avian Rochester in 2011, Wyble was a color scientist within the Munsell Color Science Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He holds a BS in computer science and an MS and PhD in color science from RIT and Chiba University, respectively.

1. Short Courses
CH Imaging Color and Appearance
6/19/2023 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Central Europe Daylight Time